Enquiries: 07 5324 1360
IHRA-Tech e-Bulletin 11. 6th March 2020


Each member and/or participant agrees to familiarise himself with all applicable rules and regulations prior to competing in an IHRA Australia sanctioned event.

Any participant (driver, rider, crew, friend, etc.) who is caught operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner may be disqualified from the event or series based upon the severity of the offense.


·         All competitors must remain in their vehicle until it reaches the return road.

·      All competitors must refrain from removing or loosening safety equipment while on the racing surface.

·     In the event of an accident, drivers in close proximity to the accident must refrain from going to the accident scene. We realize that   you may be trying to help; however, recent accidents have validated the danger that you may be placing yourself in by going to the scene. We need to emphasize the importance of not stopping your vehicle on the racing surface as well as proceeding in a timely fashion to the end of the track in the event of an aborted pass. These actions delay our program as well as making you sit in the hot protective clothing longer than necessary.

·    Each member and/or participant expressly agrees that the act of entering an IHRA Australia sanctioned event shall constitute an agreement by him to be bound by all the rules and regulations covering the event. The participant also agrees to be bound by any of the decisions of the Meeting Director, and to release the Meeting Director, and all other events officials, from liability for all alleged erroneous decisions, and further gives IHRA Australia the right to alter any photographs taken of this vehicle during said event.



·     Any driver who refused to voluntarily reduce speed, or stop in the event a car does not handle properly (i.e. excessive drifting of the car toward the centre or the edge of the strip), or any driver who wilfully fishtails or weaves in an attempt to show undue disregard for the safety of himself or spectators, will be immediately barred from further competition.

·      If such conduct should take place during and Elimination run off, the race will automatically be forfeited to this opponent.

·     Competitors taking matters into their own hands, without lodging a protest, will lose their rights for Tribunal action / proceedings, penalties and monetary fines will be sanctioned.

·      Driver is responsible for the actions of his or her crew.

·      Pit crew is defined by signing the appropriate crew documents and receiving an event crew wrist band.

·      Any protest or appeals to general race regulations must be filed by the driver.



In the event of an accident, crew of family members, or other drivers, etc. may not interfere with the  Safety crew. Interference will result in fines, loss of points, suspension, which may be levied per person.



Wristbands or credentials must be worn at all times by drivers and their crew members. Bands that have been cut or altered will be considered null and void. Sneak-Ins or stowaways will not be tolerated. Teams found to have a member without a valid wristband or individuals with them who did not pay as crew or spectators will lose all points accumulated up to the point in the year, their race entry, and will be disqualified from the event.

The authority of the IHRA Australia to make decisions shall include and cover every facet of any kind in connection with the track, points system, conduct of the race competition, behaviour of c contestant, and shall include the right to suspend, bar, expel, or disqualify without liability of any kind or nature. IHRA Australia decision shall be final. IHRA Australia reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel any race for any reason.


Alcohol & Drugs

There is to be no drinking of alcohol either at least 12 hours before or during the Race Meeting and glass containers must not be used at any time in the Pits.

·      No intoxicated persons or persons under the influence of drugs are allowed in the Pits or Race Track area.

·      Smoking is not permitted in the Pits with the exception of designated areas.

·      Crew, Driver or Rider registering any level of breath alcohol when tested by IHRA Australia will be ejected from the event.

·     Crew, Driver or rider under influence of any level of prohibited drugs will be assessed for revocation of competition privileges        and/or suspension.

·      Sanctions will be enforced.

·     Competitors, IHRA members may be required to submit to urine, blood, breath, and/or saliva testing. Unannounced random testing of competitors, IHRA Australia members for prohibited substances and alcohol, before the end of qualifying at an IHRA event, will be conducted from time to time at the sole discretion of the Independent Drug Program Administrator (ADPA).


Dress Code

Minimum dress requirements are shorts, short sleeved shirt or t-shirt and covered shoes. Open shoes forbidden in all Hot Areas of the facility. For people working on Race Cars in the Pits shorts should cover knees.

·        Crew member – Motorcycle Club Colours Forbidden

·        Crew member – Presentable, if attending to competing vehicle.



Facilities will carry out a random vehicle Audit. It is recommended that 10% of the class field will be audited. IHRA Australia may randomly Audit your vehicle in your pit.

Vehicles being audited must be race ready and bring all Safety items to the Audit. Any vehicle with a parachute must display its function and working order. Failure to deploy chute will result in vehicle failing Audit, until he/she can display that the parachute is in working order and in good condition.

Vehicles which fail the Audit will be given every opportunity to repair or have safety items replaced and be re-audited.





The following are the rules which should apply to the Pits. Any breach of these rules by the Driver/Rider or one of their Pit Crew Members may result in exclusion of the Driver from the EVENT and may also result in further action from IHRA Australia.


Axle stands

Must be used at all times if a person is working under a Race Car.



Any fuel brought into the Pits must be stored in an approved container. All IHRA Australia Facilities are UNLEADED Race Fuels ONLY.

Strictly NO Leaded fuel allowed on the premises of any IHRA Australia sanctioned facilities. Strict sanctions imposed on any competitor caught.


Vehicle Speed

Cars (including Race Vehicles) in the Pits must be driven at a speed not exceeding a reasonable walking pace at all times.


Golf Cart / Quad Bikes

·       Must only ever be ridden at a speed not exceeding a brisk walking pace within the facility.

·      A person driving a Golf Cart must remain seated at all times, all passengers must be seated. Strictly no standing on Golf Cart while  it is being operated.

·     A person riding a Quad Bike / ATV or any vehicle with handlebars (regardless of vehicle having a roll cage), must wear a helmet complying with AS/NZ 1698 as minimum standard (may be open face helmet).


Fire Extinguishers

·         Every crew or competitor has at least one operable, loaded fire extinguisher.

·         In tender vehicle or immediately accessible for an emergency.

·         Recommended dry chemical, minimum size 10 Kg / 2.5 lbs

1.1   Failure to wear helmt   $200.00
1.2 Failure to wear Fontal Head Restraint $200.00
1.3   Failure to wear Arm Restraints   $200.00
1.4 Failure to wear ALL required Safety Equipment $500.00
1.5   Removal of any Safety Equipment whilst still on Racing Surface   $250.00
1.6   Failure to remove Parachute Safety Retaining Devices   $250.00
1.7 Failure to Deploy Parachute when required (above 140 mph) $250.00
1.8   Competitor displaying unsafe driving practices   $500.00
1.9   Hot Area, Failure to observe safe practices   $500.00
2.0   Tender Vehicles / Passengers, Failure to be properly seated   $100.00
2.1   Tender Vehicles / Standing on Bumpers or Running Boards whilst Towing   $100.00
2.2   Tender Vehicles / Sitting on Tailgate   $100.00
2.3   Tender / Paddock / Golf Buggies incorrect use by unauthorised persons   $100.00
2.4   Jack Stands required, wheels are off the ground   $100.00
2.5   Driver / Rider must be at the controls whilst engine is running   $100.00
2.6   Fuel / Incorrect Handling or Storage in the pit area   $500.00
2.7   Pit / Paddock, Failure to observe Safe Practices   $500.00
2.8   Failure to obey instructions from IHRA Steward / Track Officials   $500.00
2.9   Failure to obey Meeting Director / Chief Starter / Head IHRA Steward   $1000.00
3.0   False Declaration of Competitor Audit Declaratioon (CAD) form   $1000.00
3.1   False Declaration of Licence / Medical Application Forms   $2000.00
3.2   False Declarations   $2000.00
3.3   Transmission Protection not fitted   $250.00
3.4   Lower Engine Containment device not fitted   $250.00
3.5   Glycol based Coolant used   $250.00
3.6   Safety Harness out of date   $250.00
3.7   Fire System out of date   $500.00
3.8   Failure to report for Fuel Checking   $500.00
3.9   Failure to report for Vehicle / Bike weighing   $100.00
4.0   Failure to provide Logbook to sign on   $100.00
4.1   Tampering with Competitor / Crew wrist band   $500.00
4.2   Using Traction Control   $15,000.00
Please Note: All penalties will be written in competitors Logbook. Second time offenders will face a Tribunal Hearing, in which further penealties will apply. Once a competitor is under investigation there Licence will be suspended, with all Licence Privilages being put on hold, until outcome has been resolved
Below is a list of penalties uncluding monetary fines and membership/licence suspensions
  Continual breach of above penalties   Max  $3,000.00 Up to 2 years
  Unsafe Practices in Pit Area   Max  $3,000.00 Up to 2 years
  Abuse to any IHRA Steward/Track Officials   Max  $10,000.00 Up to 5 years
  Abuse aggressive behaviour to another competitor/crew   Max  $10,000.00 Up to 10 years
  Physical Abuse to Officials/Competitor/Crew   Max  $15,000.00 Up to Life Ban


·        If present on start line, then must have specific duty to perform. Mandatory

·        Top Fuel – Nitro Funny Car, 15 crew including driver. Mandatory

·        Pro Alcohol, Pro Slammer, Top Bike, Pro Stock, Pro Bike, 7 crew including driver. Mandatory

·        Performance and Supercharged Outlaws and Top Sportsman 6 crew including driver. Mandatory

·        Sportsman – Super Gas 4 crew including driver Mandatory

·        If vehicle in full stage, then not closer than 3 metres from rear of vehicle. Mandatory

·        If not Junior Dragster, then 16 years or older. Mandatory


Failure to comply with above duties will have that pass disqualified. The responsibility is on the Driver to enforce duties to all crew members.


Insurance and judicial provisions as incorporated into the conduct of events covered by the event permit will apply on consecutive days only, between 6.00 am on the first day of the event and will continue through to 6.00 am following the completion of eliminations, this applies to all competitors and crew issued credentials.

Code of Conduct

In order to achieve and maintain its Core Values, IHRA Australia has a Code of Conduct which is a collection of statements that establish what IHRA Australia considers its members hold as an acceptable standard of behaviour and conduct.


These codes establish how IHRA Australia expects its members to behave.

Codes of conduct or behaviour provide a guide and basis of expectations and encourage commitment to ethical and professional behaviour and outline principles on which IHRA Australia are based.


·        IHRA Australia requires every individual and organisation bound by the Policy to:

·        Be ethical, fair and honest in all their dealings with other people and IHRA Australia

·        Treat all persons with respect and courtesy and have proper regard for their dignity, rights and obligations

·        Always place the safety and welfare of children above other considerations

·        Comply with IHRA Australia constitution, rules and policies including the Policy which takes precedence over any existing policy

·        Operate within the rules and spirit of the sport

·         Comply with all relevant Australian Laws (Federal and State), particularly anti-discrimination and child protection laws

·        Be responsible and accountable for their conduct



Any breaches of the above mentioned code may result in tribunal action. Penalties incurred may include monetary fines or a suspension of licence, refusal of IHRA Australia licence and/or competition privileges or any other action deemed fit by IHRA Australia.

Social Media Policy
POLICY TITLE:   IHRA Australia Personnel, Stewards/Officials, Competitors, Team Personal, Media Personal
PURPOSE:   Promote Responsible Use of Social Media
INTRODUCE:   May 2019
RESPONSIBLE:   IHRA Australia Media Department


The IHRA Australia recognises that Social Media has increasing prevalence in both the professional and private lives of all members of the IHRA Australia community.


Social Media offers the opportunity for people to gather in online communities of shared interest and create, share or consume content in ways that can be beneficial to the sport of Drag Racing and IHRA Australia. We appreciate the value in using Social Media to build more meaningful relationships with fans, the racing community and other stakeholders.



IHRA Australia aims to promote the responsible use of Social Media.

It is important that the reputation of IHRA Australia and the sport of Drag Racing is not tarnished by anyone using Social Media tools inappropriately, particularly in relation to content that might reference IHRA Australia, drag racing, racers, officials or administrators involved in the sport.

When someone clearly identifies their association as accredited media or otherwise with either IHRA Australia or within Drag Racing and/or discusses their involvement in the organisation in these types of forums they are expected to behave and express themselves appropriately, and in ways that are consistent with the values respected by IHRA Australia.

This policy provides guiding principles to follow when using Social Media and sets the expectations of IHRA Australia when those associated with the sport are engaging in Social Media.



This policy applies to accredited media, accredited team media and contractors representing either media organisations or race teams at IHRA Australia.

The policy covers all forms of Social Media. Social Media includes but is not limited to, such activities as:

·       maintaining a profile page on social or business networking sites (such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or My Space);

·       content sharing include Flickr (photo sharing) and YouTube (video sharing);

·       commenting on blogs for personal or business reasons;

·      leaving product or service reviews on retailer sites, or customer review sites;

·       taking part in online votes and polls;

·       taking part in conversations on public and private web forums (message boards); or

·       Editing a Wikipedia page.

·       Endorsing or entering a “Like” to other people’s comments.

The intent of this policy is to include anything posted online where information is shared that may affect IHRA Australia as an organisation, officials, racers, fans,colleagues, clients or sponsors.

Guiding Principles

Engaging in Social Media can have many positive benefits and is encouraged when it is done in the right way with respect and care for others and to ensure that the IHRA Australia brand is not compromised.


The Web is not anonymous. Anyone associating themselves with IHRA Australia should assume that everything they write or post can be traced back to them.


Social Media has blurred the lines between people’s personal and professional time and space. It is important to understand that the impact of a person’s Social Media presence can have repercussions in both their personal and professional lives.


When using the internet for professional or personal pursuits, all members of the IHRA Australia community must respect the brand of IHRA Australia and ensure the intellectual property of IHRA Australia and our relationships with sponsors and stakeholders is not compromised or brought into disrepute.


Specific Usage Principles

For all media and team media representatives associating themselves with IHRA Australia when using Social Media, such use of social media:

·        must be consistent with IHRA Australia values of respect, integrity, inclusiveness, excellence, fun and people;

·     must not use inappropriate, foul or offensive language including abbreviations that could reasonably be viewed as offensive;

·   Must not contain or link to libellous, defamatory or harassing or bullying content. This also applies to the use of nicknames or illustrations;

·     must not post images that could be reasonably considered offensive;

·   must not comment on, or publish, information which is confidential or in any way sensitive to IHRA Australia, its sponsors orpartners;

·      must not bring IHRA Australia, staff or any partners into disrepute;

·     must not involve the use of the IHRA Australia Brand to endorse or promote any product, opinion, cause or political candidate; and it must be abundantly clear to all readers that any and all opinion shared are those of the individual and do not represent or reflect the views of IHRA Australia.

Consideration Toward others when using Social Networking Sites

Social Networking sites allow photographs, videos and comments to be shared with thousands of other users. When using Social Media it must be recognised that it may not be appropriate to share photographs, videos and comments in this way.

For example, there may be an expectation that photographs taken at IHRA Australia events will not appear publicly on the internet. In certain circumstances posting such material could potentially breach the Privacy Act or inadvertently make IHRA Australia liable for breach of copyright.


All media associated with IHRA Australia should be considerate to others in such circumstances and should not post information when they have been asked not to, or consent has not been sought and given. They should also remove information about another person should they be asked to do so.

Under no circumstances should offensive comments be made online.


Branding and Intellectual Property

It is important that any trademarks belonging to IHRA Australia are not used in personal Social Media applications, except where such use can be considered incidental (where incidental is taken to mean “happening in subordinate conjunction with something else”). Trademarks include but are not limited to IHRA Australia logos.


Note that this Policy is designed to function alongside the terms and conditions lay out in the IHRA Australia Media Accreditation Application form, to be completed and signed each season.


Accredited Media and Team Media Representatives

At IHRA Australia we understand that there are a range of electronic tools to communicate and engage with fans, racing community and the wider community.


An IHRA Australia communications person will be appointed to provide accountability and control over material published on our Website and any related discussion groups or Social Media websites such as Facebook, YouTube or Twitter.


When you are using electronic tools to communicate, you must act in a manner consistent with the values of IHRA Australia and in so doing will:

·      be professional and ensure all communications/posts (written, photos, videos) are family friendly and feature positive news and events;

·      treat all Social Media postings, blogs, status updates as public “comment’’;

·      not disclose personal information about any community members without consent;

·      not make statements that are misleading, false or likely to damage a person’s reputation;

·      not use discriminatory, intimidating, bullying or offensive statements;

·      Respect copyright laws and fair use of copyrighted material.

IHRA Australia will continually monitor posts by third parties on electronic sites administered by IHRA Australia and will block posts that are considered to be inappropriate or offensive or inconsistent with IHRA Australia’s values and general standards of decency.


Breach of Policy

IHRA Australia will continually monitor online activity in relation to our venue and associated events.


If detected, a breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken under the Code of Conduct. Depending on circumstances and who is involved, disciplinary action may include suspension or cancellation of competition privileges, verbal or written warnings or in serious cases, fines and / or individuals being suspended from the venue and or event.


IHRA Australia Social Media

Tip Sheet

·        Social Media can have many positives for you as an individual and for IHRA Australia as a venue and event host, but history shows us that inappropriate use can lead to poor outcomes with significant consequences.

·    Your use of Social Media to engage with your friends, family, our fans and the wider community is encouraged but please do so knowing that as IHRA Australia Accredited Media you have a responsibility to uphold the image of the sport and our venue.

·     Posts on Social Media are no different than speaking into a live microphone or voice recorder and can be readily reported in main stream Media – only post what you would be comfortable with appearing in the mainstream Media!

·   Social Media posts are permanent and your accounts/posts will identify you directly so always ensure the Social Media content youpost is consistent with the IHRA Australia values.

·      Rules of common decency apply! Images and words used in Social Media reflect on you and our venue.


o   Inappropriate language including abbreviations should never be used.

o   Don’t post photos of an offensive or sexual nature.

·      IHRA Australia matters - do not discuss or disclose information you may have about IHRA Australia matters such as events, racing, accidents (yours or others), etc.

·    Be respectful to your colleagues – do not engage in inflammatory or derogatory posts in these areas.

·     Don’t pick fights or arguments in Social Media forums - best to simply ignore those trying to antagonise!

·     Be the first to correct your own mistakes.

·     It is never a good idea to post when under the influence of alcohol or when your judgment is impaired.

·     Always pause and think before posting and if in doubt consult someone whose judgment you trust.

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